Sick of Publishing Content and Hearing Crickets?

Double Your Traffic & Sales Without the Endless Grinding on Social Media by 

Using Pinterest

Your Key to Success With The Least Amount of Effort!

Marketing is a B*tch

Especially when you know it's the pathway to the freedom you deserve BUT... 

the constant grinding and posting on social media isn't producing any positive ROI for your business.

You're stuck in a loop of wishfull thinking... hoping that one day the Universe will reward your hard work, sweat, and tears. 

But instead, every day your feed is flooded with success stories from others—people you follow on IG and Facebook bragging about waking up to new dream clients, sales notifications, and sold-out programs. 

Yet, here you are, still in the same place as yesterday... feeling disheartened and defeated after pouring your heart and soul into social media, only to hear the deafening silence of crickets.

You know you have a message and an amazing product that deserves to get it into the world, but here you are, feeling as if no one cares about what you have to offer!

It feels like there’s no hope!

But what if there's a better way? 

Imagine achieving more leads and sales without the endless hustle on social media.

Well, what if I told you... 


Your Solution To The Endless Social Media Grind: Pinterest!

Yes, my friend... 

the answer to your prayers, the solution that will help you break free from the endless social media hustle without yielding tangible results is Pinterest! 

But you don't want to just start posting mindlessly without a clear strategy!


It has to be done the right way or it won't work!

Setting up your profile correctly is the first step to ensuring your future success. This will help your visitors know how your offer is going to help them fix their problems!


Next, you have to create boards that are relevant to your niche and optimized based on keywords. 

Third, you need to consistently create and upload visually appealing and compelling pins that will entince your viewers to click. These also have to be optimized with highly searched keywords. 

Lastly, track your performance! Repurpose non-performing pins and repost top performing pins.


Sounds Complicated? I'm Here to Help!

Hey! I know you might be thinking... 

"This is too complicated" 


"I'm too busy. I don't have time for this!"


Introducing Pin Profit
"A Pinterest Optimization Package Tailored For Your Business"

Hey, I am Loida, and here's how I can help! 

I specialize in crafting tailored strategies to boost your Pinterest presence and drive traffic to your website or other platforms.

When you decide to work with me, you'll receive a comprehensive Pinterest Optimization package crafted specifically for your business to help you drive traffic and engagement from the get-go.

Think of it as a 'done-for-you' Pinterest makeover. 

My 3 packages will meet you where you are:

Pin Profit Packages
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Starter Package ($350)$350.00
  • Preferred option
    Makeover Package ($900.00)$900.00
  • Preferred option
    Premium Package ($2500.00/mnth)$2500.00/mo

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Pin ProfitTailored Package to Fit Your Needs for Maximum Growth and Success$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xPin Profit Package$0

All prices in USD

Things Need to Change If...

  • You are sick of being in the dark about how to get more traffic and sales

  • You are sick of publishing content and feeling like no one is listening

  • You feel like your blog or e-comm shop is just a hobby